Farming and Agriculture

CARIBRO DHANRAJA (Coloured Broiler)

25 June 2023, New Delhi: CARIBRO Dhanraja is a commercial cross produced by crossing colored synthetic male and female lines. This stock is characterized by its bright plumage color with a single comb. It is also less susceptible to adverse environmental conditions. CARIBRO Dhanraja is the most preferred bird among farmers because of its multicolored plumage and high economic returns.

Special Features

·         Multicolored and hardy

·         Efficient feed conversion 

·         Optimum dressed carcass yield

Production Characteristics

Body weight at day old46 g
Body weight at 6 weeks1500 to1700 g
Body weight at 7 weeks2000 to 2125 g
Dressing percentage at 6 weeks73-75
Livability percentage at 6 weeks96-98
Feed conversion ratio at 7 weeks1.92
Production Characteristics

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