
Latest News of Biologicals Segment in Agriculture: Read the latest news and updates related to Biologicals in Agriculture, Biostimulants, Biopesticides, Bioinsecticides, Bionematicides, Biocontrol, Biofertiliser, Biopesticides on Krishak Jagat. Latest News of Companies working in the Segment includes Verdesian, Cytozyme, CABI, UPL, Bayer, Basf, Monsanto, PI Industries, Rallis, Godrej Agrovet, Indofil, Mahyco, ASPEE, Crystal Crop Protection, Dhanuka Agritech, FMC, Geolife, Acadian, Syngenta, Krishi Rasayan, Insecticides (India) Limited, Atul Limited, Jacto, Jain Irrigation, Kan Biosys, Parijat, Bharat Certis, Netafim, Rivulis, Adama, Corteva, Coromandel.

Latest rules and regulations related to Biostimulants, Biopesticides, Bioinsecticides, Bionematicides and Biocontrol. G form for Biostimulants, Amendments to Fertilizer Control Order Specific to Biostimulants. Information related to protein hydrolysates, seaweed extracts, amino acids, vitamins, humic and fulvic acid. News and updates from associations working in Biological Segment like CABI, BASAI (Biological Agri Solutions Association of India) and BIPA (BioAgri Input Producers Association).