Agriculture Industry

Virtual Collaborative Training Programme on “Enhancing Agricultural Resilience through Index-based Flood Insurance and Post-flood Management Interventions in India” organized

30 June 2021, New Delhi: The ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneswar, Odisha and International Water Management Institute, New Delhi virtually organized a two-day Collaborative Training Programme on “Enhancing Agricultural Resilience through Index-based Flood Insurance and Post-flood Management Interventions in India” from 29th to 30th June, 2021.

In his valedictory address, the Chief Guest, Dr. Suresh Kumar Chaudhari, Deputy Director General (Natural Resource Management), ICAR stressed on the for identifying the seriously flood prone regions of the different states of the country like Bihar, Odisha, Assam, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. The need for integrating the structural and non-structural measures of flood management for ecological restoration, to upscale the proven technologies like sub-surface water harvesting structures and bio-drainage with Casuarina sp. and to further strengthening the research efforts on dynamic post-flood management options were accentuated in the DDG’s address.

Earlier, in his welcome address, Dr. A. Mishra, Director, ICAR-IIWM emphasized on successfully implementing the post-flood management interventions in the different flood-prone regions of the country.

Dr. A.K. Sikka, IWMI Country Representative, India & Former Deputy Director General (Natural Resource Management), ICAR stated about scaling out the flood management technologies to the other flood-prone states.

Around 8 Lectures and 2 Practical Sessions were held on the various aspects of flood management like challenges of flood disaster and strategies, integrated flood risk management, flood risk assessment, remote sensing and GIS tools for flood mapping, rapid response mapping, etc., during the training programme.

The senior officials for the ICAR Institutes and State Agricultural Universities also participated in the programme.