India Region

Certificate Course on Shrimp Crop Insurance

06 May 2024, Mumbai: ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai in collaboration with the ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai jointly conducted a certificate course on Shrimp Crop Insurance and Loss Assessment from 29th April- 3rd May 2024 at ICAR-CIFE Mumbai. The course module included technical subject matter, field visits, case studies, and practical exercises on loss assessment, with resource persons including insurance companies, the National Fisheries Development Board, and scientists.

Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Lal, Director, ICAR-CIBA in the inaugural address highlighted the genesis and overall growth perspectives of shrimp crop insurance in India.

Dr. C. N. Ravishankar, Vice-Chancellor & Director, ICAR-CIFE, emphasized the importance of convergence between ICAR institutions and NFDB for promoting shrimp crop insurance in a sustainable manner for the welfare of farmers.

Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Executive Director, NFDB, Hyderabad briefed the role of NFDB in developing shrimp crop insurance in India

Dr. N. P. Sahu, Joint Director, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai, emphasized the significance of collaborative programmes during the valedictory session.

A total of 22 participants attended the programme.

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