Organic climate farming for a carbon neutral Europe: Kick-off OrganicClimateNET
05 March 2024, Germany: FiBL leads OrganicClimateNET, a project that seeks to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation in the organic farming sector. The project was officially launched on February 1, 2024, and is scheduled to end in 2028. The initiative aims to establish a pilot network of 250 organic farms across 12 EU countries to test, improve, and implement knowledge on climate and carbon farming practices.
OrganicClimateNET will develop individualized carbon farming strategies and contribute valuable data and insights for the development of effective climate policies. The project partners include organic farming associations, universities, research institutions, organic associations, and farming advisors from 14 countries.
The primary objective of the pilot network is to establish a starting point for future uptake of carbon farming practices in the organic and other farming sectors across Europe. At the core of this initiative lies the emphasis on peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange between farms and across countries. Facilitated by trained advisors, the 250 farms will be enabled to perform carbon assessments, develop individual carbon farming strategies, and explore how they can capitalize on their work. An emphasis lies on cross-national learning, especially from countries with well-established organic sectors and those where organic farming is less developed will drive exchange. The learnings and data collected throughout the project will serve as exemplary for the broader organic sector and provide a better understanding of carbon farming business models.
Specific cornerstones of the project will create significant and far-reaching implications across Europe and beyond the project. Over 120 climate and carbon knowledge materials will be created, translated, and adapted for carbon farming in the organic sector. These resources will be consolidated into a decision support toolbox, accessible via the widely visited Organic Farm Knowledge Platform. Furthermore, the initiative aims to evaluate various carbon farming business models and respective monitoring, reporting, and verification schemes. Outcomes and data will feed into a policy stream, disseminating results through policy briefs and dialogue workshops. This comprehensive approach, therefore, aims to directly provide valuable insights for the development of effective climate policies, effectively contributing to the EU target of elevating organic farming to 25 % by 2030.
With the OrganicClimateNET Initiative, the European Union (EU) is taking significant steps to enhance the capacity of organic farms in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change. The EU has tasked the Research Institute for Organic Agriculture FiBL with a consortium of 17 European partners from 14 countries to establish a pilot network of 250 organic farms across 12 EU countries, working towards implementing carbon farming. It forms part of the EU Action Organic Plan, aligns with broader objectives of the European Green Deal, and is funded under the EU Horizon call for Land, ocean and water for climate action. The EU thereby recognizes the role of organic in reaching climate targets, as well as the additional benefits for biodiversity, water, soil, and air that come from this farming system.
The project has secured 4.9 million euros in funding from Horizon Europe and Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) for a duration of four years (2024–2028). It stands as a testament to the EU’s dedication to environmental sustainability and underscores the importance of organic farming as a key player in shaping a resilient and climate-neutral Europe. The initiative marks a significant stride towards a future where agriculture not only feeds the population but also nurtures the planet.
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