List of recommended Herbicides for use in Soybean by the Indian Institute of Soybean Research (IISR)
10 July 2023, New Delhi: Information about the recommended Herbicide has been given in the weekly advisory for soybean farmers by the Indian Institute of Soybean Research, Indore. The advisory includes when and how to use Herbicides in soybean crops.
Herbicide for Soybean useful before sowing – Pendimethalin+Imazethapyr (2.5-3 liters).
Herbicide for Soybean used immediately after sowing – Diclosulam 84 WD. g.(26 -30 gms), Sulfentrazone 39.6 sc.(0.75 l.), Clomozone 50 ec. (1.5 – 2.00 L), Pendimethalin 30 EC (2.5-3.30 L), Pendimethalin 38.7 CS ( 1.5-1.75 kg ), Flumioxazin 50 SC (0.25 L), Metribuzin 70 WP(0.5-0.75 kg), Sulfentrazone+Clomozone (1.25 L), Pyroxasulfone 85 WG(150 g), Metallochlor 50 EC(2.0 L)
Herbicide for Soybean useful in 10-12 days after sowing – Chlorimuron Ethyl 25 WP + Surfactant (36 gms), Bentazone 48S. L.(2.0 L).
Herbicide for Soybean useful in 15-20 days after sowing – Imezhethapyr 10 SL.(1.00 L.), Imezhethapyr 70% w. G + Surfactant (100g) Quizalofap Ethyl 5EC(0.75-1.00L), Quizalofap-P-Ethyl 10EC(375-450ml), Fenaxifap-P-Ethyl 9EC C.(1.11 L.), Quezalofop-p-tefuryl 4.41 E.C.(0.75- 1.00 L.) C.(1-1.25 L.), Propaquizafop 10 E.C.(0.5-0.75 L.), Flumuthiacet Methyl 10.3 E.C. (125 ml), Clathodium 25 EC(0.5 -0.70 L).
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