Crop Protection

MILDUVIP (Technical: Thiophanate Methyl 70 WP)

20 March 2024, New Delhi: Milduvip is a systemic fungicide effective on a range of fungal diseases of wheat, fruits and vegetables.

Mode of Action:

It is broad spectrum systemic fungicide. It acts by both protective and curative action. It inhibits cell division, thus inhibiting fungal growth.

CropsTarget Pest/Disease Dose per Acre (gm/ml)
PapayaPowdery mildew300
WheatBrown Rust, Leaf Blight300
TomatoRing Rot300
Bottle gourdAnthracnose300
CucrbitsPowdery mildew300
Pigeon peaFusarium wilt300


1.    It’s an exclusive combination of preventive, curative and systemic fungicidal properties.

2.    It has a systemic mode of action

3.    Provide a wide range of solutions from Anthracnose, Cercospora leaf spot, Powdery mildew, Venturia Scab and Sclerotinia Rot to Botrytis.

4.    It’s a green triangle molecule.

5.    Dissolves in water quickly and uniformly.

Also Read: India Produces 683 Million Tonnes (MT) of Crop Waste, FSII Calls for Action on International Day of Zero Waste

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