Seed Industry

Choose ecomaster for a joined-up approach to turf care and management

11 January 2024, Denmark: Everyone wants lush green turf – and easier ways to achieve it. So here’s our answer to that age-old challenge: Ecomaster, a turf-grass mixture from our Masterline® range. In the world of landscaping and turf maintenance, Ecomaster is a game-changer. The vital ingredient is Microclover®, a unique component offering numerous benefits from cost savings to visual appeal to better environmental outcomes.

Nature’s cost-free gift of nitrogen

The Microclover® in Ecomaster is a natural fixator of nitrogen. It takes nitrogen from the air and stores it in its root nodules. Later, when Microclover®‘s roots and nodules degenerate, they act as a slow-release source of nitrogen, effectively spoon-feeding nitrogen to the surrounding grass plants. This natural process reduces the need for additional fertiliser, which leads to significant cost savings. The slow release of nitrogen prevents leaching into nearby water courses, an outcome that aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 14.

A lawn that resists weeds and diseases

Microclover® grows through stolon production. It spreads outwards to fill gaps, creating a dense lawn that naturally resists weed invasion. The fight to keep out weeds is reinforced by another Ecomaster component, the rhizome-forming Poa pratensis. The two plants work together to make an Ecomaster lawn naturally weed-free. This reduces the need for herbicides, an aim of UN SDG15.

Microclover® is also less sensitive to diseases. It works with tetraploid perennial ryegrass (4turf®), another disease-resistant Ecomaster component, to make the mixture highly disease-resistant. The result is a turf that’s healthier, more visually appealing, and less likely to need fungicidal treatments, an outcome that cuts maintenance costs.

Save water, enjoy a longer, greener season

Microclover® performs well during a drought. As does its Ecomaster partner, Festuca rubra commutata. Both stay greener for longer without the need for excessive irrigation. The two components need less water and suffer less drought damage. They ease the watering workload and limit drought-associated repair costs; they help an Ecomaster turf align with UN SDGs 6 (water conservation and efficient water use) and 13 (CO2 emissions).

A healthier and more vigorous turf is good for everyone. With its steady self-supply of nitrogen, enhanced disease resistance, drought tolerance, and its ability to keep weeds out, an Ecomaster turf is more resilient. It provides a more robust pitch that stays greener for longer. In short, Ecomaster extends the playing season and reduces the maintenance demands of well-used turf pitches and playing fields.

A fresh approach to turf management

Ecomaster with Microclover® and a hand-picked mixture of grass species is a game-changer for turf and landscaping professionals. This revolutionary mixture takes a holistic, long-term approach to turf care. From cost-effective maintenance to environmental conservation, Ecomaster eases the workload of turf managers, supports the local community’s environmental aims, and provides end-users with more days on the pitch. It rewrites the rules of turf management.

Also Read: UPL to strengthen fungicide portfolio with acquisition of Corteva’s Mancozeb business

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