Seed Industry

Banana Variety Virupakashi (AAB)

10 December 2023, New Delhi: It is an elite variety in South India especially grown for table purposes in Palani and Shevroy hills of Tamil Nadu under perennial cultivation.

It is a vigorous and hardy variety though not a prolific one. Fruits show a typical curvature and possess a pleasant aroma and delightful taste. Virupakshi has the characteristic flavor only when they are cultivated in higher elevations. In mixed cultivation, it is well suited as a shade plant for young coffee.

It has many ecotypes like ‘Sirumalai’ (grown on hills), ‘Vannan’, ‘Kali’, etc. well suited for cultivation in plains. The perennial system of cultivation aggravates the Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV).

Also Read: Four New Baby Plum Tomatoes with ToBRFV Resistance

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