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HAU Bajra Section Receives National Best Research Center Award

31 July 2023, Chandigarh: The Bajra Section of Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (CCSHAU), Hisar has received the prestigious Best Research Centre Award for the year 2022-23 at the national level in recognition of its outstanding research in the field of Bajra crop.

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) presented this award during the 58th Annual Group Meeting of the All India Coordinated Research Project held in Hyderabad. This marks the second consecutive year that the Bajra Section has been honoured with this prestigious award.

The Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. B. R. Kamboj lauded the significant contributions of Bajra Section, which include developing improved Bajra varieties, identifying new pathogens, and succeeding in hybrid seed production and commercialization. Other achievements include the creation of bio-fortified bajra hybrids with high iron content (73-83 ppm) named HHB 299 and HHB 311. Additionally, Bajra Section introduced the molecular marker-assisted improved pearl millet EDV hybrid HHB 67 Improved-2, displaying better downy mildew resistance compared to its earlier version, HHB 67 Improved. The team also identified a new stem rot disease of pearl millet and its causal organism.

Dr. Jeet Ram Sharma, Director of Research, congratulated the Bajra scientists and encouraged them to continue their quality research. The research work was carried out by a dedicated team of scientists led by Mr. Anil Kumar (Head, Bajra Section), Mr. S.K. Pahuja (Head, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding and Dean, College of Agriculture, Hisar), along with other esteemed researchers like Dr. Dev Vrat Yadav, Mr. K.D. Sehrawat, Mr. Vinod Malik, Mr. Harshdeep Kamboj, Mr. Mukesh Kumar, Mr. Pankaj, and Ms. Jyoti Kaushik, who have made valuable contributions to millet research in various capacities.

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