Know your onions: it is all about uniformity and quality, say the onion ringers!
That is what you get with the Rivulis D900 Drip Line, what’s more, it is affordable too.
19 March 2024, USA: Logan Skeen, of Skeen Farms, Oregon USA, knows his onions. Sixth-generation farmer, he learned the ropes from his father and is at the helm of a successful operation of onion, sugar beet, wheat, sweet corn, and snap peas. For five years, he has chosen to use the Rivulis D900 Drip Line for its dependability, quality, and affordable price tag.
The region he farms in is most akin to a desert climate, and they rely on snow from the mountains and reservoirs for water. Top-notch irrigation solutions are a must for Skeen Farms, and a quality product is its foremost consideration. Getting into onion farming has relatively high barriers to entry, and is complex to grow, largely because of the stringent standards for crop uniformity, especially for onions that get made into onion rings.
On average, each person eats around 6kg (13 pounds) of onions a year, and counting given their high levels of vitamin C, vitamin B, and powerful antioxidant properties. Something to remember about this humble bulb next time you order onion rings with that burger! A hundred million tons of them are grown each year, and one is hard-pressed to find any dish that doesn’t call for onion.
“All Skeen Farms onions are grown using drip irrigation, and poor quality at a cheap price is a no for the business. They need to know that their drip line is reliable and do not want to take a chance with the crop, the Rivulis D900 does that. Drip irrigation uses significantly less water than furrow, and it is more reliable in ensuring that uniform amounts of water get to each plant throughout every row. Farmers remain at the mercy of the forces of nature, but when they shine favorably, it means farmers can have peace of mind that crop outputs will be as expected.
Onion roots are shallow and tend not to be very efficient at taking up moisture, so they need a steady supply of water. The D900 has superior clogging resistance, and the design of the labyrinth creates more water and flow path turbulence that avoids debris collection. It is adaptable to farmers’ needs and over 6 billion meters (20 billion feet) have been sold globally.
The hydro-efficient dripper reduces friction loss and has a uniquely engineered flow path that minimizes the exponent. It saves on installation costs with longer run lengths and a smaller diameter tube. Longer rows mean fewer tractor turns and farmers can irrigate longer rows and more efficient farming operations.
Dealers of irrigation solutions play an integral role, and farmers rely on them for trusted advice. With good service and products, dealers have a very loyal customer base in their farmers. Farmers talk to each other, and Skeen Farms is very satisfied with the current performance of the D900.
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