Gisborne Farm Environment Plan workshop
21 December 2020, New Zealand: HortNZ is holding a workshop on 18 January in Gisborne to help commercial vegetable (including process vegetable) growers meet new requirements.
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By 1 May 2021, commercial vegetable (including process vegetable) growers must have prepared and submitted a Farm Environment Plan to Gisborne District Council, under the Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan.
The HortNZ workshop will help growers understand the options for complying with the 1 May deadline as well as how to prepare for complying with future central government regulations.
Fruit growers are also welcome to attend but note that the May deadline does not apply to fruit crops.
What: Farm Environment Plan workshop
When: 3-5pm, 18 January (tea/coffee available from 2.30pm)
Where: Rose Room in the Lawson Field Theatre,
7 Fitzherbert Street, Gisborne.
Parking in the Marina carpark, behind the theatre.