Global Agriculture

Elders, for financial services suited to your needs

28 November 2023, AU: Elders can assist with a variety of financial products and services through the cycles of agriculture and primary production with the flexibility to suit you and your business.

In recent times, New South Wales has come off a couple of strong seasons and is now starting to see the effects of a drier period, particularly in north and western parts of New South Wales. The state could be considered as existing in ‘two halves’ with the southern part of the state having had a pretty good season. In saying that, we are starting to see some much anticipated storms in the north and the forecast on the run up to Christmas is a little more positive.

We have also seen lower livestock prices across New South Wales and some other parts of Australia, but hopefully we have seen the bottom of the livestock market with more confidence from processors and price grids steadily improving as we approach the end of the year.

We are hoping to see a little more stability and confidence with some predicted rainfall throughout November and December. There will likely be more optimism in livestock pricing and opportunities toward the back end of 2024 and into early 2025.

Through all the ups and downs of Australian agriculture, Elders can assist with a variety of financial products and services. Our product range includes commercial livestock, stud stock and wool funding in addition to our Rural Products Pre-Payment Facility, and a range of insurance products. Our relationship with Rural Bank also gives you access to a suite of loan and deposit products.

Whilst we cut our teeth in the livestock lending market, our range of products has expanded significantly over time to include a home loan brokerage business too.

The Elders network is here to support our clients. Whether you are looking to identify growth opportunities, or to access support during the tougher times, contact one of the team to discuss your options.

This article was written by Elders New South Wales Agri Finance Manager Jon Goudge. It provides general information only. Before acquiring any financial product, you should always consider whether it is appropriate for your particular objectives, financial situation or needs – including having regard to any Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination for that product.

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