Agriculture Industry

PHD chambers to organise 7th Farm2Fork Exhibition & Conference

25 August 2021, New Delhi: Farm2Fork is PHD CHAMBER’s Flagship event, which has been providing industry a platform to showcase its best practices and utilize the opportunity to tell their success story, meet and greet solution providers and buyers and also discuss business. International speakers have been the USP of the Forum.

The two day event is scheduled for 16-17 September 2021 with participation from across the agriculture industry.

In 2020 despite the pandemic the 3 day event welcomed over 500 delegates, witnessed over 40 experts share their knowledge and vision during 9 webinars focused on various subjects across the food value chain, international participation from Germany and Bhutan, 20 stalls displaying more than 150 technologies including those available for commercialization by reputed institutions of national importance. 

The event provides opportunity for Agribusiness, Food Businesses and Food Technology providers to

  • Showcase their products, processes, services and innovative technologies over 4 Days of Exhibition
  • Network with participating units across the food value chain – From Farm to Fork
  • Focused Webinars with industry stalwarts and policy makers
  • Special session on Success Stories of Agri and Food Start Ups
  • Dedicated BSMs for Institutional Partners, Exhibitors and Buyers 

The exhibitors of the event can

  • Meet and discuss business with buyers and importers
  • Talk about product at the Webinars
  • Access to list of all delegates

PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) has been working as a catalyst for the promotion of Indian industry, trade and entrepreneurship for the past 116 years. It is a forward looking, proactive and dynamic pan-India apex organization. As a partner in progress with industry and government, PHD Chamber with a special focus on MSMEs works at the grass roots level, with strong national and international linkages for propelling progress, harmony and integrated development of the Indian economy.

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