JK Seed company’s Sorghum variety JKSH 22
29 August 2022, New Delhi: JK Seed company’s Sorghum variety JKSH 22 is Bold and Oval Grain with Loose Earhead
- Open Elongated Nodes
- Uniform and tall plant height (2.00 to 2.50 metres)
- Days to 50% flowering – (64 to 68 days)
- Dark Green Colour Leaf and Semi Erect Positioning
- Loose and Conical Earhead Shape and Close Exertion
- Stem Colour – Tan and Nature – Thick
- Leaf Midrid Colour- Dull Green, Glume Colour- Straw
- Freely Threshabale, Photo Sensitivity- Non-Sensitive
- Bold and Oval grain
- Maturity days – (100-105 days)
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