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International Conference on Trade and Marketing of Coconut Products begins in Hyderabad

27 February 2023, Hyderabad: Coconut Development Board, (Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India) in association with the International Coconut Community (ICC), is organizing the two-day International Conference on Trade and Marketing of Coconut Products, in Hyderabad. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Vijayalakshmi Nadendla Chief Executive Officer, CDB in the presence of Dr. Jelfina C. Alouw, Executive Director, ICC; Dr. Reghunandan Rao, Principal Secretary and APC, Govt. of Telangana; Dr.P. Chandra Shekara, Director General, MANAGE; Dr.Ramesh Mittal, Director, CCS NIAM, Jaipur and Mr.Bernie Ferrer Cruz, ICC National Liaison Officer and Administrator.

In her opening remarks, Dr. Vijayalakshmi Nadendla said that as per 2020 statistics from ICC, India is the largest coconut-producing country in the world, with a 30.93% share of global production, followed by Indonesia and the Philippines. India ranks second in terms of productivity – 9,346 nuts per ha next to Vietnam has 10,547 nuts per ha. The coconut crop contributes around Rs.307,956 million to the country’s GDP and earns export revenue of around Rs.75,768.80 million.

She informed that the Board undertakes market promotion activities for the development of the coconut sector in the country. The major activities comprise of Market Promotion, Market Intelligence, Market Research, Market Development, facilitating Farmers’ Collectives, and performing the responsibilities of the Export Promotion Council (EPC) and other enabling policies. Exports of coconut products during 2021-22 were valued at Rs.3236.83 crore as against Rs.2294.81 crore in 2020-21, registering a positive growth of 40.09% over the previous year.

She also pointed out that CDB started a novel extension approach to organize farmers by the formation of three-tier Farmer Collectives with Coconut Producers’ Societies (CPS) at the primary level and integrate them to form the Coconut Producers’ Federation (CPF) at the intermediate level and Coconut Producers’ Company (CPC) at the apex level. So far, 9787 CPSs, 747 CPFs, and 68 CPCs have been formed in the country.

The two days International conference will cover 4 sessions, on International Outlook for Coconut Products; Moving towards Sustainable Coconut Sourcing; Global Market Prospects and Growth Prospects for Coconut Products; and Innovative Industry Practices and Application of Technology in the Coconut Sector, wherein 20 technical papers will be presented.

At this conference, more than 450 delegates joined virtually across the globe and 26 international delegates are participating physically.

Dr.Jelfina C. Alouw, Executive Director, ICC, in her address, stressed about facilitating the transfer of technical information on global market prospects in coconut, innovative industry in the coconut sector, and sustainability in the coconut sector.

Dr.Reghunandan Rao, Principal Secretary and APC, Govt. of Telangana, in his address, pointed out that Telangana is investing heavily in agriculture and there is tremendous growth in the crop coconut. He said that the State is shifting from field crops to plantation crops.

Mr.Bernie Ferrer Cruz, ICC National Liaison Officer, and Administrator emphasized the importance of the coconut sector, which needs a breakthrough in market research, quality of coconut value-added products, and digital marketing.

On this occasion, the Diamond Jubilee issue of the Indian Coconut Journal of CDB was released and an MOU was signed between CDB and the National Institute of Agricultural Extension and Management (MANAGE) and the National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM) for carrying out activities in the areas of start-ups, market-driven projects, research, training programs, and FPOs.

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