India RegionSeed Industry

Soybean farmers in India advised to use Broad Bed Furrow (BBF) or Ridge & Furrow sowing method

21 May 2022, Indore: The Indian Institute of Soybean Research (IISR) of ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) released its pre sowing advisory for the farmers growing soybean in this Kharif Season (monsoon).

The Indian metrological department has predicted that major soybean growing states would receive normal to more than normal rainfall during the kharif season this year. Looking at this forecast, IISR has advised farmers to use Broad Bed Furrow (BBF) or Ridge & Furrow method of sowing. This will facilitate managing the crop both in case of water-logging as well as drought situation.

In order to have stability in yield, farmers are advised to do deep summer ploughing once in 2-3 years. After this, the field should be prepared using criss-cross harrowing followed by planking. If deep summer ploughing has been performed within last 2-3 years, the field should be prepared using criss-cross harrowing followed by planking.

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The Institute has suggested farmers to apply well decomposed FYM @ 10 t/ha or Poultry Manure @ 2.5 t/ha before the last harrowing. Farmers are also advised to run sub-soiler machine at an interval of 10 m which facilitate the breaking of hard soil pan thereby increasing the rain water infiltration.

Farmers have been asked to select soybean varieties recommended for their area and ensure the availability of seed well before sowing time. They are also recommended to carryout germination test of the available seed which should be minimum 70% in order to have optimum plant population. It is also important for farmers to ensure availability of critical inputs like fertilizers, weedicides, fungicides and cultures for seed treatment etc.