Global Agriculture

Weed Science Societies Announce Further Details on Upcoming Joint Annual Meeting

11 January 2022, Colorado: Today the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and the Canadian Weed Science Society (CWSS) announced details for their upcoming joint annual meeting, scheduled for February 21-24 in Vancouver, Canada.

Four special symposia are planned, including:

  • The North America Kochia Committee’s priorities for coordinating research, communication and outreach
  • The challenges and opportunities presented by biological weed management
  • The Agricultural Research Service’s weed science research initiatives
  • The current regulatory and legal environment for weed control products

Breakouts and poster sessions offered throughout the meeting will feature scientific data of interest. In addition, special networking events are planned for both graduate students and for women in weed science careers.

Two plenary speakers are on the agenda. Steve Novak, Ph.D., will share lessons learned from a long-running battle with cheatgrass in the Pacific Northwest. Conrad Bérubé will share his experience with the first Asian giant hornet nest discovered in North America – a case study on the importance of early intervention in the management of invasive species.

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To support those unable to attend in person, WSSA and CWSS will live-stream their annual awards ceremony and announcement of student contest winners.

Registration and further information are available online.

  • Other upcoming annual meetings planned by WSSA affiliates

Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS).  The SWSS annual meeting will be held January 24-27, 2022, in Austin, Texas. The agenda features sessions on the soil and environmental aspects of weed science, new technologies, forest vegetation management, weed management in horticultural crops, weed management in pastures and rangeland, weed management in turf, weed management in agronomic crops, the educational aspects of weed control, invasive species, the regulatory aspects of weed control, and the physiological and biological aspects of weed control.

The meeting will include an awards luncheon and special events for graduate students and for women in weed science. In addition, a silent auction is planned to benefit the SWSS Endowment.