Global Agriculture

Smart soils: 6 reasons to care for your soils

11 March 2023, US: The soil is a living ecosystem. In addition to minerals, water, and air, it is composed of organic matter that is transformed into nutrients for plants by the action of the millions of organisms that live in it.

This action is vital because it has a direct impact on processes related to soil health, environmental sustainability, and food safety. In short, the soil is the foundation from which we build our society.

Soil is essential for the development of agricultural activity but, until now, its microbiota was one of the most neglected aspects of agriculture, especially when it came to fertilization.

Since our foundation as a company in 2010, the soil has been our main element of work. For us, SMART soil is much more than living soil:


Soils are one of the world’s major biodiversity reservoirs: they are home to more than 25% of the planet’s biological diversity, and more than 40% of the living organisms in terrestrial ecosystems are associated with the soil during their life cycle.

From the soil’s own microhabitat to natural and urban landscapes and agricultural production areas, this activity directly impacts ecosystems.

Taking care of soil biodiversity is a job that we carry out from the ground up for a global and positive impact on the ecosystem.


One of the microorganisms’ transformations is that of organic and inorganic compounds, in a process that releases nutrients to plants and allows them to feed themselves.

A well-nourished plant is more resistant to pest and pathogen attacks and allows us to use resources for prevention rather than mitigation.

It is estimated that healthy soil can increase production by 10%, thanks to better crop nutrition in a balanced and sustainable way.

Maintaining a balanced microbiota rich in beneficial microorganisms translates into more fertile and healthy soils that are sustainable in terms of time, quality, and profitability.


Microorganisms perform different transformations of organic and inorganic compounds that are key in plant nutrition and the filtration, degradation, and immobilization of pollutants in water and soil.

Good crop nutrition results in healthy and resistant plants, capable of allocating their energy to producing optimal fruits, not only in commercial quality but also in nutritional quality.

Living soil supports human health by producing the highest quality foods to maintain our hormonal and immunological levels.


Balanced soils with organic matter increase water retention and decrease crop water stress, as they have optimal chemical and physical properties.

The plant extracts water from the soil through the root. Healthy soil is essential for a strong root system to extract more water from the soil.

Water is a limited resource, and its use is essential in agriculture. Water must be optimized as much as possible to ensure crop yield and food security.


Living soil absorbs more CO2 from the air and contributes to climate change mitigation.

Climate change is not only occurring in the atmosphere, but also in the soil. All the carbon the plant absorbs from the atmosphere and does not use for its growth is distributed through the roots and stored in the soil.

According to the FAO, the first 30 cm of the planet’s soil contains twice as much carbon as the entire atmosphere. This would make soil the second largest natural carbon sink after the oceans.


A better microbiological balance in the soil translates into a lower incidence of pathogens.

In many cases, plant diseases originate in the soil and are closely related to the presence of fungi, bacteria, and nematodes.

An active microbial life contributes to the presence of beneficial microorganisms, whose activity can enhance the plant’s defense methods (SAR: Systemic Acquired Resistance). In addition, the development of such beneficial microorganisms promotes what is called “suppressive soil”. It is a habitat where pathogenic microorganisms will be displaced by suitable microorganisms, thanks to the competition for space and nutrients.


Symborg develops biotechnological solutions for sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture, controlling the value chain and helping farmers maximize crop yields with minimum resources.

Our products benefit soil biodiversity, favoring beneficial microbiota and preserving their long-term life while enhancing their productive capacity.

They are composed of beneficial soil microorganisms, which coexist with plants and naturally contribute to their growth and nutrition, improving soil conditions.

What are the solutions that Symborg suggests for a Smart Soils strategy?

On the one hand, VitaSoil, the probiotic that provides the microbial life that your soil needs.

Composed of a careful selection of microorganisms that are beneficial for farming. It is a regenerator that revitalizes impoverished soils. In addition, it unlocks nutrients, fixes nitrogen, and solubilizes phosphorus and other microelements, allowing the plant to optimize its nutrition program and avoid soil degradation. In the end, the result is stronger, more productive crops that are more resilient to stress.

On the other hand, Qlimax, the prebiotic that multiplies microbial growth and enhances its activity.

Qlimax is our new soil revitalizer that acts as a prebiotic to multiply the concentration of microbial flora in the soil, stimulate its development, and enhance its beneficial activity in the agronomic management of soil and crops.

Qlimax is the ideal culture medium for the potential establishment, growth, and development of populations of beneficial microorganisms. It stabilizes and enhances the microbial groups related to plant nutrition and the recovery of the soil-plant system, such as the microorganisms linked to phosphate solubilization, biological nitrogen fixers, or other groups that produce substances beneficial to the soil structure and the crop.

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