Ag Tech and Research News

Christmas cash splash for standout rural clubs

01 December 2021, AU: Corteva Agriscience is delighted to announce 2021’s Community Club grant winners.

Through the joint initiative with Nutrien Ag Solutions, thirty exceptional community organisations in rural and regional Australia will receive surprise grants of $2,500, just in time for Christmas.

Each organisation was nominated by a local Nutrien or CRT staff member, who outlined why their chosen club deserved a share of the $75,000 in grants.

Kirsty Ebert, Corteva Agriscience’s Australian Sales Director, said the winners came from all over Australia, and the judges were particularly impressed with the range of community services this year’s entries provide.

“This is the second year Corteva has partnered with Nutrien to deliver $75,000 in grants to community clubs in rural and regional areas,’ Ms Ebert said.

“The response has once again been remarkable and such a wide range of groups are represented, from emergency response organisations to sporting clubs to mental health groups.

“The entries really represent organisations that are important in the local area because Nutrien and CRT staff who live and work in farming regions make the nominations.

“Congratulations to each of our thirty recipients. Each one is fully deserving of their $2,500 grant, and we’re thrilled to be able to give back to our farming communities in this way.

“Thanks also to the Nutrien or CRT staff members for taking the time to make the nominations. With your local knowledge, we know the grants are going to the right community clubs to make a real difference.”

Cheque presentation events will take place in each winning community before

February 2022.

Store Name Town/CityNominated Club name:
FP AG Langhorne CreekLanghorne CreekStrathalbyn & Districts Little Athletics Club
Haynes Farm & HardwareCoolahCoolah Tennis Club
Farmcraft Pty Ltd – Kalbar branchKalbarKalbar Progress Association Inc
Tableland FertilizerMareebaMareeba Tennis Club
MP & MA Walter Pty LtdLamerooLameroo Forward
Platinum Ag MurraylandsMurray BridgeAshbourne Cricket Club
Robert Smith & Co Pty LtdWarracknabealThe Boys Shed
Bacchus Marsh Farm SuppliesBacchus MarshFriends of the Werribee Gorge & Long Forest Mallee
Great Northern Rural ServicesGeraldtonMullewa Community Resource Centre
Nutrien Ag SolutionsNarranderaNarrandera Imperial Football/Netball Club
Nutrien Ag SolutionsDalbyDarling Downs Young Ag Professionals 
Nutrien Ag SolutionsMundubbera Mundubbera Swimming Pool 
Nutrien Ag SolutionsForbesForbes Junior Rugby Union Club
Nutrien Ag SolutionsMoreeMoree Junior Rugby Club 
Nutrien Ag SolutionsMarrarMarrar Campdraft Association
Nutrien Ag SolutionsWagga WaggaTurvey Park Junior Football Netball Club
Nutrien Ag SolutionsMungindiMungindi Golf Club
Birchip Retail Store Birchip Birchip Community Emergency Response Team 
Nutrien Ag SolutionsBerriwillockCulgoa Community Store
Nutrien Cummins Ag ServicesCumminsCummins Joint Building Facility
BR&C AgentsBarhamMoulamein Tennis Club
Nutrien Ag SolutionsKanivaKaniva Agricultural and Pastoral Society
Nutrien Ag SolutionsLongfordCressy Memorial Pool Committee
Nutrien Ag SolutionsMIllicentKalangadoo Bowling Club
Nutrien Ag SolutionsLucindaleLucindale Football & Cricket Club
Katanning – Great Southern RuralKatanningKatanning Agricultural Society Inc
Nutrien Ag SolutionsNarembeenGo Narembeen Progress Association
Nutrien Ag SolutionsRavensthorpeRavensthorpe Community Resource Centre
Nutrien Ag SolutionsNorthamptonNorthampton Lions Club