New Mustard Variety Pusa Double Zero Mustard 33 (PDZ 11)
17 July 2023, New Delhi: Mustard Variety Pusa Double Zero Mustard 33 Is highly suitable for cultivation in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Western Uttar Pradesh, Plains of Jammu & Kashmir, and Himachal Pradesh. It is having both erucic acid (<2% and glucosinolate (<30 ppm) content as per international standards, making the oil as well as seed meal better for both human beings and animals. Suitable for timely sown irrigated conditions.
Features of New Mustard Variety Pusa Double Zero Mustard 33
- Indola quality [Low in erucic acid (0.58 % in oil) and glucosinolates
- (15.17 ppm in seed meal) in comparison to >40.0 % erucic acid and >120.0 ppm glucosinolates in popular varieties]
- Seed yield: 26.4 q/ha
- Oil content: 38.0 %
- Maturity: 141 days
- Suitable for Rajasthan (North and Western parts), Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Western Uttar Pradesh Plains of Jammu & Kashmir, and Himachal Pradesh
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