The path to sustainability in fruit and vegetables is through Natural Technology
08 November 2023, Mexico: In the complex world of business, figures are the best way to establish reality. And these figures show that Mexico remains one of the world’s leading producers and exporters of table grapes and vegetables. Being in the top 10 of this type of strategic ranking obliges the entire agri-food industry to commit to a model of excellence and high value in production, especially when the huge and demanding North American market is the main recipient of these exports.
Such a model requires an almost total alignment between the industry and the target market, i.e. total proximity and alignment between production, distribution and consumption. This is the aim of events such as the Grower Summit, which took place last September in Guadalajara, in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
The Grower Summit is the mirror in which the trends that dominate the agri-food sector are reflected, and when we look at this reflection, sustainability is the trend that shines the brightest, at every point in the agri-food chain. This was confirmed by both the programme and the quality of the presentations at this edition, in which Seipasa took part. The Spanish company presented both its product catalogue and its experience in integrated pest and disease management developed over the last quarter of a century.
“The Grower Summit has shown that the path to sustainability in the fruit and vegetable sector is through models that combine innovation and technology applied to the real needs of farmers, i.e. tools to control pests and diseases in a safe, efficient, profitable and value-added way. This is the model that Seipasa has been applying to agriculture for 25 years and that our commercial partner Natural Grow has been implementing in Mexico for more than a decade,” says Carlos Castro, Seipasa’s commercial director in Mexico.
With this aim in mind, Seipasa took part in the programme of technical presentations and field demonstrations held at Hortifresh’s agricultural facilities, where the Spanish company presented the different characteristics of the biocontrol products Pirecris, Cinnerate and Fungisei as alternatives adapted to current market needs.
Differential value in the market
“The Grower Summit allowed us to interact with the 40 most important agricultural companies in the production of table grapes and greenhouse vegetables, which are concentrated in the Divine Flavor commercial system, and to whom we had the opportunity to show the differential value offered by Seipasa’s solutions,” says Castro.
Among the key players attending the Grower Summit was Grupo Alta, Mexico’s leading table grape producer and a major player in vegetable production. Seipasa, through its distributor in Mexico, Natural Grow, provides crop treatment solutions that Grupo Alta uses to protect and biostimulate its production.
Collaboration with Grupo Alta
“We are delighted to be working with a leading company such as Grupo Alta. We are making available to them not only our extensive table grape portfolio, but also the strategies we have applied in the world’s leading wine-producing regions. These strategies aim to produce high value-added grapes based on integrated pest management and a significant reduction in the use of chemically synthesised active ingredients. We have a great deal of experience in this field, based on the values that define us, which are nothing less than technology, innovation, sustainability and experience, and we are putting all of this at the service of a large production company such as Grupo Alta,” said Seipasa-Mexico’s commercial director.
The Grower Summit has concluded its 2023 edition as an opportunity for companies in the agribusiness sector to match their offer with the needs of the market. In the case of Seipasa, the event concluded with the confirmation that its Natural Technology model is increasingly necessary in markets such as the Mexican one, which is subject to high quality requirements for high value production aimed at internationalisation.
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