Agriculture Industry

Government focussed on modernizing agriculture in India: Netafim India on Budget 2021

01 February 2021, New Delhi, IN: “The Union Budget clearly highlights the Government’s continued focus to modernize the Agri sector. We welcome the announcement of additional allocation of Rs. 5,000 Cr to the Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF) under NABARD which now totals Rs. 10,000 Cr, said Mr. Randhir Chauhan, Managing Director, Netafim India and Senior Vice President, Netafim Ltd.

Mr. Randhir Chauhan, Managing Director, Netafim India

This is in line with the Government’s vision of ‘per drop more crop’, and will help move closer to the target of micro irrigation coverage across 1 crore ha in five years, across the country. 

Also Read: CropLife India cautiously welcomes the Union Budget 2021

In order to improve the fund utilization, we request policymakers to remove the condition of disbursement (which is only against additional subsidy) and consider to make it available for the mandatory state share as well. 

The additional fund could keep the momentum up in states like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka which are already in favour of the scheme, help restart in states like Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and bring newer states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, etc. under its gamut.”