Global Agriculture

First Nitrogen Management Project Using the Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reduction Protocol Completed in North America

09 March 2023, North America: Farmers Edge Inc., (TSX: FDGE), a leading global agriculture technology company, is pleased to announce it has completed the first Nitrogen Management Project using the Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reduction Protocol (NERP) in North America.

Farmers Edge voluntary Nitrogen Management Project 1 is the first-ever NERP project completed by an agriculture technology company under an adapted and updated Nitrous Oxide Emissions Reduction Protocol, which has been in development for 15 years by the agriculture industry, supported by Fertilizer Canada. The project reduced 8, 910 tonnes CO2e based on better nitrogen fertilizer management for annual cropping in western Canada, working with their grower customers in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Farmers Edge Nitrogen Management Project 1 has been independently verified and serialized by the CSA CleanProjects Registry, with the offsets now for sale into the voluntary agricultural nature-based offset market. In addition to their majority portion of the offset value, growers participating in the NERP project stand to earn a far greater return on investment and generate additional revenue from their operations from 4R nitrogen management practices based on Farmers Edge advanced fertility services. This is the first NERP project ever serialized in North America and the first nitrogen management greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction project of this working size to be completed in North America.

“Completing this industry-leading NERP project sets Farmers Edge apart from many companies that claim to be on a similar path of generating and selling nitrogen offsets for agriculture sustainability,” said Vibhore Arora, CEO, Farmers Edge. “Our mission is to give farmers and enterprises the tools to succeed and make their businesses much more efficient and sustainable. As we develop new technologies for future generations to continue farming, we are proud to offer the first serialized NERP project in North America. It speaks to our innovation agenda and to the expert training and knowledge our teams have to support farmers and companies on their sustainability journey.”

The Farmers Edge fertility recommendation services are based on 4R principles, and the company has invested in training its agronomists in 4R fertility management practices to support sustainable agriculture practices. Most of Farmers Edge agronomists have a 4R Designation, giving them the authority to sign off on government programs such as the On-Farm Canadian Action Fund (OFCAF), a program that compensates farmers who invest to improve their farming practices and reduce GHG. Along with 4R Designations, Farmers Edge agronomists are trained as Professional Agrologists (P.Ag.) and are Accredited Professional Advisors (APA) for NERP.

“We are pleased to complete NERP Project One and will scale up significantly in the next phase,” Arora said. “Farmers Edge is currently working on NERP Project 2 with an estimated completion date of mid-year 2023. It will be about five to six times larger than our NERP Project One — the greatest number of nitrogen management tonnes registered and issued in North America.”

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