Global Agriculture

CABI announces strategic partnership for author services and education

20 January 2021, UK: CABI is pleased to announce the launch of a new Author Services and Education portal created to support researchers in successfully publishing impactful studies across all agriculture and biosciences.

The new portal has been developed in partnership with Editage and Impact Science, part of Cactus Communications (CACTUS), a technology company accelerating scientific advancement.

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Through the CABI Author Services and Education portal, users will have access to resources to develop knowledge and skills in writing and publishing science as well to best-of-class editorial and research communication services offered by Editage.

Andy RobinsonManaging Director of CABI’s Publishing and Knowledge Business, said, “We are really excited to provide this collection of services to help authors from around the world to improve the quality and real-world impact of their research in agriculture and bioscience.

“We know that many researchers struggle to communicate the value of their work when English is not their first language, which limits their success to publishing in international journals.

“In combination with agriRxiv, the preprint service for agriculture and allied sciences, our own CABI Agriculture and Bioscience open access journal, and a collection of other educational resources for authors, we are working to increase access to global audiences for CABI’s authors.”

Under this partnership, authors and other stakeholders will have direct access to Editage and Impact Science world-class editing, translation, and research communication services which include creating and disseminating research summaries through well-crafted high-engagement formats. These services offered through CABI can support authors in promoting their published research and thus help extend the reach and impact of their science.

Commenting on the partnership Donald Samulack, Head, Global Stakeholder Engagement, Cactus Communications, said, “We are extremely happy to partner with CABI for providing author services through Editage and Impact Science. Authors involved with CABI will have access to best-in-class editorial and research communication services that can be leveraged to build successful research programs.

“And with Impact Science, they will be able to disseminate their research with a larger set of audiences through various engaging methods and platforms. This will help CABI to support their global stakeholder community as well.“

CABI’s publishers provide academic research in the fields of bioscience, crop health, development communication and extension, digital development, invasive species, publishing, value chains and trade. They have international presence across the globe.