Message from the System Board: CGIAR Launches Search for New Executive Managing Director
09 May 2023, US: We are delighted to announce that the CGIAR System Board has launched the globally competitive search for CGIAR’s next Executive Managing Director. We encourage you to review the Position and Candidate Specification document, which provides details about CGIAR and the Executive Managing Director role and sets out the application process, and to share it among your professional networks.
The recruitment for the new EMD is being overseen by an ad-hoc search committee led by Patrick Caron and including members of the CGIAR System Board, the CGIAR System Council, members of CGIAR Center boards, as well as an independent member. Spencer Stuart, the global executive search firm, has been selected to run the search process through a robust and competitive process.
We are optimistic that we will attract candidates of the highest caliber to lead our great institution and the talented and dedicated scientists and professionals that embody it. Our mission to transform food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis has never been more critical, and we have never been better positioned to deliver on that mission and on our vision set out in the CGIAR Research and Innovation Strategy to 2030.
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