RRS abohar organised trainings on “propagation of fruit plants” under SCSP component of RKVY
17 November 2021, Punjab: The J. C. Bakhshi Regional Research Station Abohar of Punjab Agricultural University organised a series of 3 one day trainings (10th, 12th and 16th of November, 2021) on ‘Propagation of Fruit Plants’ under the Schedule Caste Sub Plan of the scheme Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna. The trainings aimed to inculcate the concept of nursery entrepreneurship in schedule caste community to raise their social and economic status. In the trainings, about 100 SC farmers participated. The farmers were imparted lectures on a variety of topics like selection of potting mixture, different propagation techniques, importance of mother block, flow chart of various propagation practices and management of various disease and insect pests for ‘Elite / disease free nursery production’ in fruit crops suitable for cultivation under south-western districts of Punjab.
A team of experts comprising Dr. P. K. Arora, the Director of the research station, Dr. A. K. Sangwan, Dr. Anil Kumar, Dr. Krishan Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Raheja, Dr. Shashi Pathania, Dr. Manveen Kaur and Dr. Subhash Chander delivered lectures on the above mentioned topics and deliberated with the growers. The farmers were also given in field practical training on plant propagation to hone their skills. Apart from face to face lectures and trainings, the kits comprising some important fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, tools, vegetable seed kit and university publications were distributed free of cost to each trainee. In each training, the participants were also served intermittent refreshments. At the end of the trainings, Dr. P K Arora, also acquinted the farmers about concept of RKVY SCSP subplan and its importance in uplifting the economic status of the growers. He also appealed the growers to read the literature and to stay connected with the university experts for upgrading their knowledge and getting more benefit from farming occupation.