State News

Prime minister awarded PAU with best green campus award

28 September 2021, Punjab: PAU is declared the most Clean and Green Campus under National Agriculture higher Education Project by Indian Council of Agriculture Research declared for the last year. This award carries an amount of Rs. Ten Lakh and a Certificate. Prime Minister of India Mr. Narinder Modi awarded PAU with this award in the Vice Chancellors conference organized by farmer welfare department New Delhi.

The aim of this award is to create awareness about environment friendly techniques in campuses of education institutions. In online ceremony, Mr. Narinder Modi awarded four Agricultural Universities of the Country under Swach Bharat Movement. Second Prize has been given to Tamilnadu Agricultural University and Third and Fourth awards are given to Central University Mumbai and Dharward Agriculture University Karnatka respectively.

The parameters for this award include greenery in Campus, Waste Management and Energy Conservation etc.

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Vice Chancellor of PAU Mr. Anirudh Tewari congratulated authorities, Teaching and Non Teaching staff and student for this award.