State News

PAU conducts training course on agriculture practices

27 March 2021, Punjab: Department of Extension Education under the ages of Communication centre, Punjab Agricultural University organized one day training course on Agriculture Practices in collaboration with Society for Action in Community Health (SACH) for their INDIGAP members in which 20 farmers were participated. The training course appraised the participants about tips of vegetable farming, importance of mushroom cultivation and its potential in skill development and empowerment of rural masses. The participants further told about different farming systems and their components such as dairy, vermi-composting, fish farming, etc. to attain remunerative income along with meeting of their domestic needs.

Dr T S Riar, Additional Director Communication advised the farmers to adopt PAU recommended practices and read University farm literature regularly for latest updates on agriculture.

Dr Kuldeep Singh, Head, Department of Extension Education shed light on the importance of scientific agriculture and urged the farmers to adopt different subsidiary occupations viz. bee keeping, vegetable farming, mushroom cultivation, animal husbandry etc. to augment their income

Dr Lakhwider Kaur, Extension Scientist while welcoming the participants acquainted about training course and motivated to form farmer’s interest groups which can help them to start enterprises at collective level. The experts of PAU in the field of Vegetable Sciences, School of Organic farming and Mushroom cultivation delivered lectures during this training course.

Dr Lavleesh Garg, Extension Scientist, proposed vote of thanks and urged the farmers to acquire skill oriented trainings and informed about different training programmes conducted by Skill Development Centre, PAU for the benefit of farmers.The farmers were also visited to school of organic farming, Food Industry Incubation Centre and Mushroom Farm of PAU. On this occasion PAU farm literature were also distributed

Dr Kulbir Singh, expert, Department of Vegetable Science gave tips for vegetable cultivation fof different vegetables crops and motivated them to cultivate seasonal vegetables in kitchen garden, terrace garden, protected cultivation.

Dr S S Walia, Expert of School of Organic farming told farmers He also motivated to adopt Integrated Farming System to shut cut expenditure, hence, ensuring self sustenance.