State News

KVK, Kapurthala Organized Kisan Mela To Mark International Women Day

09 March 2021, Punjab: KVK, Kapurthala organized Kisan mela to mark International women day at its campus on 8th March, 2021. The event was attended by 116 farm-women from different self-help groups and 23 farmers. An impressive exhibition comprising of different products made by SHGs was also exhibited. Dr. Suman Jolly, Asstt. Prof. (Plant Protection), briefed the house about bee-keeping and mushroom production in detail so that farm-women could increase their family income. Importance of international women day was discussed by Mrs. Avneet Kaur Ahuja, Asstt. Prof. (Home Sc.). She also motivated the farm-women to be financially independent and emphasized the role of balanced diet in improving the nutritional status of women. Dr. Pardeep Kumar, DES (SM), FASC, Kapurthala discussed about the role of women in agriculture.

The mela was also attended by officials from National Rural Livelihood Mission, ADC (Development); District Industry Centre, Kapurthala; ICICI Foundation, Pushpa Gujral Science City and they explained about different programmes run by their respective department for welfare of farm-women. Dr. Paramjit Singh, Assoc. Director (Trg), KVK, Kapurthala spoke about the role of women in development of our society and stressed upon the higher education of girls. He also felicitated 8 progressive farm-women of the district. Dr. Gobinder Singh, Asstt. Prof. (Soil Sc.) conducted the stage and motivated the farm-women to take part in skill development programmes organized by university and KVK. In the end, Dr. Amit Salaria, Asstt. Prof. (Crop Production) thanked all the participants for successful conductance of the event.

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