FASC, Faridkot shows the success and strengths of DSR to Farmers
12 July 2021, Punjab: The Field days on Direct seeded rice were organized at village Hardyaleana and Doad under the aegis of Directorate of Extension Education, PAU, Ludhiana in which more than 100 farmers participated enthusiastically.
Dr. M S Bhullar, Head, Department of Agronomy stressed to adopt the practice of tar-vattar technique in DSR. He elaborated the multifold benefits of tar-vattar technique such as requirement of less irrigations, more root proliferation resulted in ameliorating iron deficiency and less weed infestation as first irrigation can be delayed up to three weeks. He told that to conserve the soil at tar-vattar is also an art that varies with soil type. He said those farmers who has increased their DSR area this year are the real heroes of this technique. He assured in near future for large scale adoption of DSR, the success of these heroes will be shared with maximum number of farmers with different modes and means.
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Dr. Harinder Singh, Principal Extension Scientist (Agronomy), FASC, Faridkot apprised that there are mainly three points we have to take care for the success of DSR i.e., to ensure germination, weed control and nutrient deficiencies. He said when farmers show the success of DSR technique our confidence gain manifolds, their good looking DSR fields inculcate energy in us for no looking behind. The DSR can be executed on about 85% of rice fields in Punjab so the farmers can bring another revolution we may call it “Clean revolution” to save water and environment. He appealed the farmers to come forward be the leaders of clean revolution as we brought earlier revolutions in the field of agriculture.
During this event the farmers namely S. Dharam Singh, and S. Salwant Singh of village hardyaleana and S. Krantipal Singh, S. Kulwinder Singh and S. Jaspreet Singh of village Doad shared their experiences and success in DSR with the farmers.
Dr. R K Singh, PES (Agri. Engg.) suggested to use machinery in groups for their efficiency and cost effectiveness. Dr. Kamaldeep Singh, Scientist (Entomology) has efficiently conducted the stage and informed the farmers for the appearance of insect-pest in rice and their integrated solutions. Dr. Gurlal Singh, Scientist (Animal science) described the management practices to be follow during summer season in dairy animals. Dr. Pavittar Singh, Scientist (soil science) explained the methods of soil sampling and correction of nutrient deficiencies in rice crop. Dr. Karamjeet Kaur, Scientist (Home science) spoke on the dietary management of diabetics as this disorder is also growing in rural communities.
The question-answer sessions were also conducted. At the end S. Sarabjeet Singh, Sarpanch Hadyaleana and S. Ajit Singh of Doad thanked the Punjab Agricultural University for creating awareness and providing technological help to the farmers.