Farmers Visit Agro Processing Complex of PAU
26 March 2021, Punjab, IN: The farmers from village Kanech, Ludhiana I, Block and village Bhundri visited the Agro Processing Complex (APC) of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) under the aegis of the Department of Extension Education. Mr Ishwinder Singh, Inspector Cooperative Society, Kanech; Mr Ritkamal Singh, Secretary Cooperative Society, Kanech and Mr Sherjit Singh, Agricultural Extension Officer, Bhundri Circle also accompanied the farmers for the visit.
Dr Kuldeep Singh, Head, Department of Extension Education, threw light on various crop cultivation aspects for upcoming Kharif season. He also encouraged them to grow new varieties of paddy released by PAU and compared them with the already cultivated varieties. He highlighted the preparedness of the department regarding the availability of paddy seed at their doorstep.
Dr TC Mittal, Senior Extension Engineer, explained the functioning of oil expeller, spice grinder, wheat atta chakki plot and rice milling process.
Dr Manmeet Kaur, Associate Professor and Dr Lopamudra Mohapatra, Assistant Professor, Department of Extension Education, conducted the exposure visit and apprised the visiting farmers with the scope of APC.
The farmers were also urged to move from producers to small scale processors which can give them additional incomes and better profit margins.