Wheat Variety Pusa Ahilya (HI 1634)
10 January 2024, New Delhi: Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Regional Center Indore has developed a new wheat variety Pusa Ahilya (HI 1634) which is suitable for chapati.
Wheat variety Pusa Ahilya (HI 1634) has been identified for the major producing areas of Central India, MP, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jhansi and Udaipur divisions for late sowing and higher production in irrigated conditions. The average production capacity of Pusa Ahilya is 51.6 quintals/hectare and maximum production capacity is 70.6 quintals/hectare. This variety is resistant to black/brown rust disease and also has resistance to Karnal bunt disease. Its grain is large, hard, shiny and protein-rich. Chapati is also full of quality.
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