Tuber initiation timing for Quantis application
02 June 2022, UK: New advice for timing treatments of the biostimulant, Quantis, in potatoes now recommends a first application at the tuber initiation stage, according to Syngenta Technical Manager, Andy Cunningham.
That’s the stage when the plant is setting out the number of tubers it will support, and ultimately the final yield of the crop, he advises. “But it’s a time when plants are particularly susceptible to any abiotic crop stresses.
“The timing of a Quantis application at the tuber initiation stage can help to alleviate some of the stresses and encourage the plant to set more tubers. That gives it the potential for higher yields.”
As those tubers grow and start to fill, it’s important to continue to alleviate heat stress, he added. “Potato plants are best suited to growing in relatively cool conditions. Hot weather can compromise photosynthetic activity and the generation of sugars and carbohydrates to bulk out the tubers.
“Quantis can enable plants to grow more normally through these periods of heat stress.”
“We now recommend application prior to the heat events, which primes the plants and enables it to continue growing, to deliver the yield required.”
Andy highlighted the new Quantis Heat Stress Event forecasting tool, which provides growers and agronomists with an early warning of trigger points for heat stress in potatoes, that will give guidance for the optimum timing of Quantis applications.
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