Simon’s Seasonal Insights – Autumn Brassicas, October ‘24
07 October 2024, UK: The 2024 growing season has been generally good for brassica crops. Even though there have been periods with low rainfall, the fact there hasn’t been extreme heat means most crops have managed to produce adequate frame and marketable size.
As always, there have been some challenges with continuity of supply, caused by disruption to planting and dull weather during the summer months.
Brassica diseases
Early August saw the sudden appearance of ringspot (below) and white blister, and it looked set to be a difficult year for disease. Then prolonged dry weather through August and into September resulted in very little further infection.
However, the recent change to wet weather – repeated showers or intense rainfall – along with autumnal morning dews, in combination with reasonably mild temperatures, will likely see a sudden increase in disease again. Mature lesions on older crops are packed with spore potential.
It’s important to maintain fungicide applications to counter ringspot and white blister (above) until temperatures consistently drop and remain in single figures.
Brussels sprouts crops are expected to need at least another two further fungicide applications, with a recommendation to spray the last of the broccoli crops to protect against head disease and rots – as frequently seen at the end of last year.
For Brussels sprouts and cabbage, AMISTAR® Top fits well at this timing, as the active ingredient combination gives protection and greening from azoxystrobin, while difenconazole brings curative activity against any recent infection. For late broccoli crops, with minimal leaf disease, AMISTAR® will give good protection against disease.
Pest problems
Although the insect pest season is coming to an end, peach potato aphid and cabbage aphid can still be an issue on late crops; it is not unusual to see a sudden increase in aphids on the lower buttons of sprout stalks through September and into October.
Regular crop monitoring and application of appropriate aphicides, if necessary, should prevent issues with aphid and whitefly (above) through to harvest.
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