Seed Industry

Search for a Star – Entries to FSOOTY 2023 now open

08 October 2022, UK: The Farm Sprayer Operator of the Year Award 2023 (FSOOTY) is now open for entry. The competition recognises the very best practice in sprayer operation, as well as providing a great opportunity for operators to share experiences and advance their learning.

FSOOTY is hugely rewarding for everyone to enter and great fun to be involved in the camaraderie between sprayer operators, according to Syngenta Application Specialist, Scott Cockburn.

“Everyone who enters has the same application challenges and frustrations, so there’s a huge amount to gain from sharing the solutions. One thing that’s repeated every year is that entrants find they learn something new from other operators and can improve the way they work,” highlighted Scott (below).

“Previous FSOOTY finalists remain firm friends and continue to share experiences, long after the competition is over.”

FSOOTY gives sprayer operators clear recognition for their highly important role, as well as enhancing their continuous professional development and industry position.

All the finalists win a trip for two to Cereals 2023 and are presented with their awards in the Sprays & Sprayers Arena.  The overall winner claims a study tour to the awe inspiring AgriTechnica European farm machinery showcase event in Hanover, Germany.

Commenting on the role of FSOOTY, NFU Deputy President and Essex farmer, Tom Bradshaw, said: “We know there is ever greater scrutiny on the way we use plant protection products. It’s absolutely critical that we can demonstrate professionalism right through our industry.

“The competition is such a great opportunity for operators to demonstrate the ways that they maximise efficacy, the way they look after the environment and why they should be the Farm Sprayer Operator of the Year.” 

“There’s a great feeling of pride that goes with winning,” according to FSOOTY 2022 Award Winner, Steve May (below). “Being recognised for working to a high standard of professionalism and competence was extremely rewarding for me.”

“My initial goal was to test myself, to learn from others and to benchmark myself against other professional operators, as well as to keep moving forward and learning more.

“FSOOTY is a great way to learn from others, and to share your experiences.”

Steve advocated more sprayer operators should enter FSOOTY to improve their knowledge and use the opportunity to continue to move spraying systems forward. It’s a chance to meet new people and swap ideas, with previous winners including Stuart Woods and Matt Redman having been inspirational in the way that he now approaches spraying challenges.

Entering FSOOTY automatically gains NRoSO points. Operators can enter FSOOTY 2023 direct on the website here. Farmers and agronomists can also nominate sprayer operators for entry from the webpage.

Operators will also be able to enter the competition on the Syngenta stand at LAMMA in January. Entries close on 11 January 2023.   

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