Seed Industry

Pomegranate variety Solapur Lal

23 July 2022, New Delhi: Solapur Lal is a biofortified pomegranate variety from ICAR-NRC on Pomegranate, Solapur


Parentage : Bhagawa x [(Ganesh x Nana) x Daru]
Maturity period : 160-165 days , matures 15-20 days earlier than Bhagawa 
No. of fruits/tree : 130-140
Potential yield : 35-39 kg/tree
Size : Slightly lesser than Bhagawa
TSS : 17.5-17.7o Brix
Aril colour : Deep Red
Rind colour : Deep Red
Rind thickness : Medium thick
Vitamin-C : Significantly higher than Bhagawa
Anthocyanins : Significantly higher than Bhagawa
Iron : Significantly higher than Bhagawa
Zinc : Significantly higher than Bhagawa
Seed texture : Harder than Bhagawa
Reaction to Bacterial blight : Similar to Bhagawa
Purpose : Processing (Juice, value addition), Table purpose 

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