List of Recommended Soybean Varieties for Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Eastern Plains of Uttar Pradesh, Plains-Uttarakhand and East Bihar (Kharif 2024)
01 June 2024, New Delhi: Indian Institute of Soybean Research (IISR) has recommended the following varieties of soybean for the farmers of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Eastern Plains of Uttar Pradesh, Plains-Uttarakhand and East Bihar. This recommendation is based on agro-climatic conditions and suitability of the variety.
List of recommended soybean varieties for Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Eastern Plains of Uttar Pradesh, Plains-Uttarakhand and East Bihar (Kharif 2024):- SL 1074, SL 1028, NRC 128, SL 979, Pant Soybean-26, PS 1572
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