A good start for Syngenta hard group 4 wheats in Recommended List Trials
10 August 2022, UK: With prolonged periods of dry weather, winter wheat harvest has progressed far more quickly this year compared to 2021, and many areas of the country are reported to have finished already.
Three of the Recommended List trials have been published which suggest that 2022 has been a high potential season, with the average of the first three sites at 12.02 t/ha verses the 5-year mean of 10.81 t/ha.
SY INSITOR is top of the Syngenta wheat varieties and the second highest yielding hard wheat based on the current data. SY INSITOR is currently at 106% of control means with data in from Lincolnshire, Devon and Dorset. We would expect SY INSITOR to deliver high potential in a season like we have had, where water was a limiting factor, as our work has shown that it is an aggressive rooter.
SY INSITOR (106%) is another excellent performing group 4 (hard) wheat
as quoted by the AHDB, and the high performance in Recommended List trials is also being replicated on Syngenta Technical Trials sites.
GLEAM and GRAHAM are once again showing their consistency. GLEAM is currently the highest yielding control variety at 104% of controls and GRAHAM is just behind on 103% as an average, but yielding 105% at the Devonshire site where we know it excels as a variety.
SY COACH, a candidate variety from Syngenta is also off to a good start, currently sat at 104% controls. Whilst it is not the highest yielding variety, it has excellent disease resistance and stiff straw, coupled with OWBM resistance which will make it a low risk option on farm.