National News

India working on self sufficiency in production of Oilseeds

26 July 2021, New Delhi: To enhance the production of Oilseeds in the Country, the Government is implementing the  centrally sponsored scheme of National Food Security Mission: Oilseeds from 2018-19 onwards. The scheme is being  implemented with the  objective to augment the availability of vegetable oils and to reduce the import of edible oils by increasing the production and productivity of oilseeds. The interventions under NFSM (Oilseeds) comprises of three major components i.e (i) seed component covering purchase of breeder seeds , production of foundation seeds, production of certified  seeds, distribution of certified seeds, supply of seed minikits, seed hubs (ii) production inputs component covering Plant Protection (PP) equipments, PP chemicals, NPV/ bio agent, gypsum/ pyrites/ lime etc., bio-fertilizers, improved farm implements, sprinkler sets, water carrying pipes, seed storage bins, seed treating drum and (iii)  transfer of technology component covering cluster/ block demonstration, Field Level Demonstrations   and training through National Agricultural Research System (NARS) and Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Integrated Pest Management on Farmer Field School (FFS) mode, training of farmers,  training of officers/ extension workers, need based R&D project including seminar/ kisan melas etc.

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For the year 2020-21, the   production of edible oils in the country is 124.70 lakh tonnes, import is 133.50 lakh tonnes, and the  total consumption of edible oil in the country is 258.20  lakh tonnes.

The production of Oilseeds in the country (3rd advance estimates) during 2020-21 is estimated at 365.65 lakh tonns as given below.

Sl. No.CropOilseeds Production (lakh tonns)
7Rape seed and Mustard99.87