National News

Government aims to provide required infrastructure in the remaining KVKs expeditiously

10 August 2021, New Delhi: The Government has made a provision for opening of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in each of the rural districts across the country. A total of 725 KVKs have been established across the country till date.

KVKs are mandated for frontline extension which act as a bridge between research organizations and the main extension system operated by different development departments of the State Governments. Considering the role and resources of a KVK, it caters to the requirement of the selected farmers of the district and provide capacity development support to State Development Departments. The coverage of entire district is the responsibility of development departments of State Governments.

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Sanctioned staff strength of each KVK is 16 including one Senior Scientist-cum-Head, six Subject Matter Specialists, one Farm Manager, two Programme Assistants, two Administrative Staff, one Tractor Driver, one Jeep Driver and 2 Skilled Support Staff. At present, 68.44% posts in KVKs are filled.

As many as 657 KVKs have administrative building and 521 KVKs have Farmers’ hostel. The Government aims to provide required infrastructure in the remaining KVKs expeditiously. 

As per requirement, large number of KVKs have been strengthened with other infrastructure facilities like, pulses seed hubs, soil testing kits, micro-irrigation systems, Integrated Farming Systems units, farm machineries and equipment, District Agro-Met Units, etc. during last five years. 

This information was given by Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Mr. Narendra Singh Tomar in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.