Clarification on Bio-stimulants G-Form released by Ministry of Agriculture
03 August 2021, New Delhi: The Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi released a clarification on 2nd August, 2021 to all the Agriculture Directors of the State/UT across India with regards to the guidelines for issuing G Form for provisional inclusion of Bio-stimulants under Fertilizer (Control) Order.
There were several concerns from both the state and the Bio-stimulant associations which ware delaying provisional registration for the product. The state mentioned delay in provisional registration due to lack of clarity on format for sale data submission, procedure for verification of sale data by the state government, parameters in consideration for report on hazardous effect of the product, etc.
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The concerns of both the state and the bio-stimulant association were discussed under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary (INM), Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, New Delhi under Ministry of Agriculture and further a clarification on streamlining the procedure has been sent across to expedite the process of provisional registration.
All the existing manufacturers have to apply for provisional registration prescribed Form G-1 to the Controller of Fertilizer by 31st March, 2022. This is to be done after obtaining a certificate in prescribed Form G-2 from the state government that the product was being sold in the market for the last three years and no harmful effects of the product have been reported. On the receipt of the application of the manufacturer along with the form G-2, the Controller of Fertilizer will issue a certificate of provisional registration in Form G-3
Below are the key excerpts from the clarification released.
- States are expected to expedite the issue of G-2 Form within 15-20 days of the receipt of application from the manufacturer, in order to facilitate all manufacturers to submit their G-1 Form for provisional registration in the month of December 2021, to the Controller of Fertilizer, JS(INM), DAC&FW, Krishi Bhawan.
- With regards to Sale data of last three years, the state government is advised to accept self attested label of product along with self attested sale figures of products sold in their state, for last three years, from an authorised representative of the company or GST data for the last three years or Stock, Production / Trade of the product for last three years duly verified by a Chartered Accountant.
- On Data regarding hazardous effect of the product, the states are advised to consider self declaration of “No reported ill-effect or hazardous effect’ or any publication or world wide acceptable test report supporting non hazardous effect of the product.
Once a product is provisionally registered, a bio-stimulant manufacturer is authorised to sell such provisionally registered product in the country. Other states may consider issue of authorisation letter to the manufacturer based on provisional registration.