India Region

Kharif sowing in India 55 percent complete; reaches 600 lakh hectares

18 July 2022, New Delhi: The sowing of Kharif crops is progressing with monsoon with some crops showing delayed sowing. According to the data received from the Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi till July 15, sowing has been done in 592.11 lakh hectares, which is 81 thousand hectares more than last year (591.30 lakh hectares in 2021) in the same period. The total normal area of ​​Kharif is 1084.97 lakh hectares i.e. about 55 percent sowing has been completed for the period Kharif 2022.


The area under the main crop paddy is lagging as compared to last year. So far, paddy has been sown in only 128.50 lakh hectares as against 155.53 lakh hectares in the same period last year. Thus, as compared to last year, there is a difference of 27 lakh hectares. Effectively, only 32% coverage has been done as of 15th July as per reported normal area. Major states where paddy acreages are less than last year are Uttar Prades, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, and Madhya Pradesh. 

According to sources in the Ministry of Agriculture, due to less rainfall in the major paddy states of the country, the planting of paddy has been reduced. As a result, this year paddy production is also expected to be less. The normal area of ​​paddy is 397.06 lakh hectares. At the same time, this year the target has been kept at 413.13 lakh hectares by the Ministry of Agriculture.


As of July 15, the sowing of pulses has reached 72.66 lakh hectares, which is 5.97 lakh hectares more than the previous year (66.69 in 2021). The total area of ​​pulses crops in Kharif is 140.18 lakh hectares.

The figures released by the Ministry of Agriculture shows low sowing acreage of Arhar, the main pulse crop of Kharif is a matter of concern. So far, Arhar sowing has been done in 25.81 lakh hectares as against 31.58 lakh hectares in the same period last year. On the other hand, the sowing of moong has touched 20.19 lakh hectares and crossed 15.85 lakh hectares of corresponding period last year.

Among other major Kharif crops, sowing of bajra, groundnut, and cotton is satisfactory. Bajra, the main Kharif crop of Rajasthan, has been sown on 25 lakh hectares in Rajasthan.


Sowing of Soyabean, the main oilseed and cash crop of Madhya Pradesh is ahead due to adequate rainfall in Central India compared to last year and is touching the figure of 100 lakh hectares. Its normal area in the country is 115.51 lakh hectares and has crossed 99.35 lakh hectares as of July 15.Progress report of area coverage under Kharif crops as on 15th July 2022 (Area: In lakh hactare)

S.No.CropNormal Area (DES)Area Sown 2022Area Sown 2021Increase(+)/ Decrease(-) over 2021Coverage WRT Normal Area
Progress report of area coverage under Kharif crops as on 15th July 2022 (Area: In lakh hactare)