Global Agriculture

HortNZ update: More pragmatic approach needed

23 February 2022, NZ: HortNZ, product groups and horticulture businesses are continuing to lobby the Government for a better, more pragmatic approach to the management of Omicron in the workplace.  We’re not alone in this, as businesses and industries from across New Zealand are seeking similar changes.

We’ve had several reports of delays of up to a week to receiving Covid test results and complaints about the lack of readily available Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs).  These reports are extremely concerning when Omicron has not yet reached its peak. 

Our discussions with Government agencies have led us to believe there could be changes to the way Omicron is being managed.  However, as yet, no changes have been made by the Government on a nationwide level. 

If and when there are changes, we will update you via the HortNZ Omicron Update and the HortNZ website.  In the meantime, please email if you have a specific question or concern. 

Please also try and stay connected, and consider using these services, which growers have said have been helpful: