Global AgricultureMechanization and Technology

Defy application on target for pre-emergence ryegrass

20 July 2021, UK: Accurate application and new techniques to cut drift will achieve the best possible results from Defy applications for ryegrass control this autumn.

Following the mantra: Low, Slow, Covered gives the guidelines to maximise performance from all pre-emergence applications.

And that has been further boosted with the advent of the new 3D ninety nozzle, primarily designed to reduce drift and optimise spray droplet distribution on the soil surface.

Harry Fordham

Larger droplets ensure more spray reaches the target and ensures more even distribution, advocates Syngenta application specialist, Harry Fordham. Combined, that helps to reduce the risk of spray drift, and maintain maximum efficacy from pre-em applications.

“The 3D ninety features a 55o angle that has been calculated to deliver optimum coverage on the front and back of the target, including soil clods,” he advised.

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“The nozzle tip specifically delivers a pattern with a very consistent droplet size, designed to give an even distribution at working heights for pre-em application.”

Go low Go slow Get covered

A full range of sizes will facilitate application of 200 l/ha at a forward speed of 12 km/hr – shown to be the ideal for achieving consistent distribution of pre-em applications.

3D ninety nozzle fitted

Syngenta application trials have repeatedly shown applying pre-emergence herbicides in a water volume of 200 l/ha will reliably give the optimum results.

“Where possible we would urge operators to use 200 l/ha” advised Harry. “But recognise that could compromise output per day, when timelines can be critical.”

“Prioritise application at 200 l/ha on any fields with a bad grass weed situation, or where control conditions may be compromised by a cloddy seedbed, for example; even if you use 175 or 150 l/ha in easier situations to get the area covered,” he advised.