Control When You Need It – Advice for Managing Hard-to-Kill Pests in Organic Vegetable Production
03 February 2021, USA: Vegetable growers are bound to face insect issues every season. Insects such as aphids, thrips, whiteflies and lepidoptera pests including loopers and diamondback moths. These various insect pests damage the crop by feeding on the foliage and other crop parts and by piercing plant leaves and sucking the cells dry of key nutrients, ultimately impacting yield, crop quality and marketability. Organic growers often have limited tools, so quick, effective solutions that are also OMRI listed are essential.
Because numerous insects often strike a field throughout the growing season, growers should consider a broad spectrum insecticide like PyGanic® Crop Protection EC 1.4II/5.0II. PyGanic provides proven and reliable protection throughout the growing cycle for quick knockdown of pests in vegetable crops. Plus, PyGanic is a botanically derived, OMRI listed and NOP compliant contact insecticide that fits into any cropping system including conventional, sustainable and organic production.
Early-Season Control
A key principle for organic growers to follow is to have a plan in place early for the entire season. Growers can utilize PyGanic at the start of the season as proactive step in their pest management plan.
Valent U.S.A. recommends an insecticide application at the first signs of pests moving into the crops and/or fields based on field scouting. That way crop protection practices can stay ahead of the pests and avoid damage generated by pests colonizing and reproducing on the crop.
Control Pests Mid-Season
By mid-season, make sure you have infestations under control for crops like head lettuce and romaine. The leaves are starting to get tighter and head formation is beginning, and you don’t want insects to get inside where reaching them with integrated control practices is difficult.
Because various pests can invade fields at different times of the season, it is beneficial to have an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program in place whenever pests appear. PyGanic offers growers the flexibility to control insects and mites as needed up to ten times per season. Valent recommends that growers rotate chemistries throughout the season. PyGanic can also be tank mixed with other insecticides, acaricides, fungicides, adjuvants and wetting agents.
Finish the Season Strong
Pests like whiteflies and aphids can infest fields right before harvest. With a zero-day PHI, PyGanic can be used as a broad spectrum cleanup spray up to the day of harvest to ensure there are no insects or other pests found in the vegetables.