Commission publishes study on information measures under the common agricultural policy
04 March 2021, EU: The information policy on the common agricultural policy (CAP) was successful in improving understanding and perceptions of the policy. Based on figures from Eurobarometer and results of a stakeholder survey conducted as part of the study, awareness of the CAP has increased over the last five years, and perceptions of its performance have improved. The combined results of the study suggest that the objectives of the information policy are achieved to a great extent. These are among the key findings of the evaluation support study on the information policy on the common agricultural policy published today by the European Commission.
This study contributes to an overall evaluation of the information policy on the CAP, which will be concluded with the publication of a Commission report (staff working document) in autumn 2021. The aim of the evaluation is to examine the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency and EU added value of the information measures on the CAP.
Implementation of information measures on the CAP is a legal requirement. This stipulates that information measures financed will help explain, implement and develop the CAP. They will raise public awareness of its content and objectives, including to farmers and other actors of rural areas. Information measures should also reinstate consumer confidence following crises through information campaigns. Finally, they should promote the European model of agriculture and contribute to the corporate communication on EU political priorities.
The information policy reflects the importance of the CAP across the EU in ensuring a stable supply of affordable food for citizens, supporting farmers and improving agricultural productivity. It should also highlight its role in preserving the socio-economic fabric of rural areas, and the increasingly important role of the CAP in climate change mitigation, protection of the natural environment, and contributing to the achievement of the Green Deal objectives.
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