Australia: Water trading update – February 2022
22 February 2022, Australia: The Elders Weather rainfall outlook suggests multiple cold fronts over the next two months starting from 28 February to 4 March. These have the potential to produce widespread rain over southern and eastern Australia. In the West the strongest cold fronts are expected between 28 February to 4 March and 16 to 20 March.
In the upper Murray, stream flow generally receded in the past week to 16 February. Above Hume Dam, Jingellic receded from 7,900 ML/day to 3,900 ML/day, with reduced releases from Khancoban Pond due to Snowy Hydro power generation. Downstream of Hume Dam, the Kiewa River at Bandiana increased from 870 ML/day to 1,100 ML/day before falling to the current rate near 870 ML/day, while the Ovens River at Peechelba reduced from 2,000 to 1,350 ML/day. With dry conditions over the past few weeks, the Hume to Yarrawonga reach returned to regulated conditions. Rainfall will be closely monitored in coming weeks, as will the potential risk of delivery shortfalls, whereby actual water use is higher than it was forecast to be when river water was released from storages.
Visit the Murray Darling Basin Authority website for more information.
Average temporary water price per zone
Information on the following graphs is for the period 1 November 2021 to 11 February 2022 and based on data provided by Waterflow.