Global Agriculture

AlgaEnergy presents in the VI International Congress of Berries its value proposition for these crops

22 September 2021, Spain: The biotechnology company has participated for the third time in a row at this congress of international relevance. The microalgae-based biostimulants AgriAlgae® generated great interest amongst the attendees.

Berries are probably one of the crops with the highest growth in Spain, both in consumption and also in terms of production and exportation. These kinds of crops have a great added value and a quite innovative character and Spain has become a world benchmark for them.

In this framework, the International Congress of Berries was held on the 15th and 16th of September in Huelva. Organized by the association Freshuelva, with the collaboration of the Huelva City Council, the Huelva Provincial Council, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Andalusian Government and Extenda (Andalusia Export and Foreign Investment), this event is now in its sixth edition. AlgaEnergy participated in this event, showcasing its value proposition for crops such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, among others. A proposal that materializes as an innovative and effective solution: the range of agricultural biostimulants based on microalgae, AgriAlgae®.

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At its stand at the Congress where AlgaEnergy showcased its own developed technology, the biotechnology-based company also presented the results of the numerous field trials carried out on these crops. These aforementioned trials show how berry crops treated with AgriAlgae® improve their performance significantly in terms of quantity and quality, compared to other biostimulant treatments. This converts into an increase in the profitability and a considerable return on investment when AgriAlgae® is used to biostimulate the crops.

During the two days of the event, professionals from the entire value chain of this sector were able to see first-hand the efficient and sustainable solutions of AlgaEnergy. In addition, numerous general and specialized press media were interested in the company and its activities. This is the case of the Huelva TV program ‘Gran Vía Magazine’ that interviewed Manuel Zoreda, Agribusiness Support Manager of AlgaEnergy.