Farming and Agriculture

Integrated Farming System

Guest Author: Aakanksha Xalxo, Sandip Gangil, Parmanand Sahu – CIAE Bhopal

06 January 2025, New Delhi: In India there are mostly small and marginal farmers who are approx. 85% of the total farming community. Day by Day food demand is increasing in India due to growing population and our farmers have not much sufficient land to grow individual crop. In this situation integrated farming system is recognized as a best solution to increase the food production within the limited resources and increase in income of the small and marginal farmers.

Integrated farming system includes various agricultural and nonagricultural components such as crops, livestock, poultry, fish, agroforestry horticultural and beekeeping in a single farming system.


The key objectives of an integrated farming are:

1.Increase the income level of small and marginal farmers: High technology of farming is quite costly, farmers cannot afford that, but through the integrated farming system they can augment the productivity and income.

2.Effective utilization of resources: the resources can be utilized in an ideal way in Integrated farming system by making use of the waste products of one component as an input for another component.

3. Soil Resources Conservation: Through IFS, other kinds of cropping systems used include intercrop and crop rotation that maintain fertility of the soils and prevent the soil from running away. That helps in conservation of soil resources and longtime productivity.

4. Food Security: Food security is through the productivity; IFS guarantees the productivity that is achieved from sustainable agricultural techniques, which leads to increased production and less tendency of crop loss.

5.Environmental sustainability:  IFS encourages agriculture that is in favor of environment, economy and society. For example, increases chemical less farming and reduces use of pesticides chemical fertilizer, conservation of water sources, and lowering greenhouse gas emission.

6. Environmental sustainability: IFS promotes sustainable agricultural practices that balance environmental, economic, and social goals. This involves increasing the chemical less farming and reduces the use of pesticides chemical fertilizer, conserving water resources, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Integrated farming system model

There are different kinds of integrated farming system model can be adopted

Integrated farming systems (IFS) are agricultural practices that combine several farming components in an effort to increase productivity, improve sustainability, and enhance resource use efficiency. Integrated farming models may vary depending on the environmental setting, economic targets, and social settings. A few of the most common models of integrated farming include:

(1)  Integrated paddy fish farming

In this integrated farming fish and paddy farming is combinedly done, here utilization of organic waste of livestock and that work as food for fish and manure for paddy.  There are some fish species such as channa striatus, channa punctatus, mugil sp, lates calcarifer etc. have been widely cultured in rice field during fish farming water level should be maintained. Farming fish in paddy field reduces harmful insects, increases organic matter and makes more nitrogen efficient soil and also increases in rice yield .

(2)  Integrated Fish poultry vegetable farming

Fish poultry farming is widely known and it have considerable results in farmers income. In fish poultry farming, there is a pond where fish are farmed, and over the pond there is poultry house and litter direct fall into the pond and that becomes food for fish. The species of fish that The species of fish that can be farmed into the pond such as catla, rohu, mrigal, Chinese carps, silver craps etc. the such as cabbage, radish, cauliflower, potato etc. vegetable  can be grown around the dyke of the pond and litter of the poultry also can be used as manure for vegetable.

 (3)  Integrated Duck-fish farming system

A fish pond provide an excellent disease free environment for ducks. In turn ducks consume juvenile frogs, tadpoles, dragonfly etc. Thus, makes a safe environment for fishes. Duck stools find their way into the pond and decompose. This process increases the essential nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus for production of natural fish feed organism. Duck-fish integration has two benefits: There is no loss in the availability of manure and fertilization of the pond. Ducks also aerate the pond water along with bottom raking effects. This saves the cost involved for fertilization and in addition the whole system provides fish, eggs, meat for human consumption

(4)  Integrated millet pulses cropping system

Millet is very demanding due to its high nutritional value and it has high commercial value also it can tolerate and with stand in various climatic condition. But its cultivation is shrinking due to its low productivity. This situation overcome by intercropping with pulses millets are compatible for intercropping, pulses having high nutritional value improves soil health, and promotes soil biodiversity. It ensures the sustainable usage of available resources and provides food availability, nutrition, and livelihood security in dry land areas.

(5)  Mango orchard based integrated farming system

Mango orchard can be intercropped with turmeric , ginger etc. it has no adverse effect of shade on the crop also it contains a high commercial value if the plant of orchard are small it can be inter cropping with vegetable such as tomato, beans, carrot, beetroot and legume crop as groundnut , soyabean , cowpea that improves soil fertility through nitrogen fixation that can be aid extra income for farmers. 

(6)  Dryland mix orchard

Dryland mix orchard can be done in semi-arid and arid region. In this region irrigation technology will play a great role, and through the irrigation technology high value crop can be grown , there are some trees such as tamarind , fig , mango, and pomegranate , date, palm etc. are suitable for arid and semi-arid region .

(7)  Dairy-composting-crop integrated farming system

In India all farmers having cows and buffalos and their by product is recycled by making vermi compost and utilized as a fertilizer for crop plant. For vermicompost preparation there is a need of bed, animal manure, and earthworm after the decomposition process it can be used as fertilizer for crop. This process enhance the micro nutrient in the soil and improves soil health and increases the productivity.  


  • Increase in Resource Use Efficiency: By combining crops, livestock, and sometimes aquaculture, farmers can use all the resources efficiently. For instance, livestock waste can be used as fertilizer for crops, and crop residues can feed livestock.
  • Increase Biodiversity: Integrated farming increases biodiversity through the addition of different species of plants and animals. This diversity reduces the occurrence of pests and diseases naturally, thus reducing chemical use.
  • Economic Stability: Diversification of farm activities can provide multiple sources of income, which reduces financial instability. If one crop or product fails, others may still thrive and generate income.
  • Soil Health: Integrated farming system promotes sustainable farming and demotes the use of synthetic fertilizers this can improve soil health through natural fertilizations. Crop rotation and diverse planting also contribute to soil fertility.


An integrated farming system increases the standard of living and offers stability in farmers income ,more total net returns, and provides more employment opportunities, reduces risk and uncertainty, and keeps harmony with the environment. India has rich diversity of livestock, poultry, crops, and horticulture. Proper utilization of our national resources is very important for sustainable development. Hence, this system of farming is highly promising for the improvement of overall farm productivity, profitability, generating employment opportunities, conserving natural resources and maintain the sustainability of agroecosystem by effective recycling the farm by-products and efficient utilization of available resources. Integrating Farming System is the unique approach for overall upliftment of rural community and conserving the natural resources and crop diversity.

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